Sunday, February 1, 2009

In a Moment at IT Class

hmm,,although i am still fourth semester but I already enter IT's class, means that I try to get one more step in my study. so, i'm here now, in IT's class with my classmate and the new teacher for me.
my first think about IT is that I feel that I can create some webs or what. yes that actually it's quite true. The teacher gives a command to create a blog. how amazing! i like that. I can't wait for the next meeting.
My expectation to this lesson is that I could be more sophisticated person and could learn more about high technology. That's all because I couldn't think about more expectation, it's enough for me.

1 comment:

  1. tubuhku dan waktuku bukan hanya milikku seorang,,,

    setiap saat aku harus membagi waktu dan ragaku untuk suatu kewajiban yang harus aku lakukan,,,dan tak ada yang bisa menggantikannya saat ini,,,,,

    hmmm, aku melow sih,,,tapi aku sebenarnya sudah mulai capek dengan rutinitasku,,,,

    waktu pribadiku seolah direnggu paksa oleh suatu kewajiban yang mengharuskan diriku tunduk,,,,

    bisa saja sebenarnya aku membangkang dari tugas2 ku selama ini,,,tapi aku tidak tega pada mereka2 yang menggantungkan hidup padaku,,,,

    sekali lagi waktu dan ragaku,,,,tidak menjadi milikku seutuhnya saat ini,,,,,
